Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Drama is a great way for students to express themselves. There are many techniques that can be integrated into the curriculum that utilizes drama. I feel that just starting your day with an energizer is the perfect way to wake up the class and get them thinking. Creating plays or drama scenes that incorporate a book that the class has just read. Having the students read a poem aloud and emphasizing their favorite lines. Also doing math games that use drama techniques. These are just a few examples of how I would like to use drama in my class. I feel that incorporating activities within your standard curriculum gives children the ability to learn in a more fun and exciting way. It also brings your classroom from a level of boredom possibly to a level of intrigue and excitement. Students need to be stimulated to learn and I feel that drama helps greatly with this stimulation process.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learning Through the Arts Reflection #1

Through the process of reading, class disscussion, and class activities I have been able to learn more about art integration. Having the ability to teach students about any subject and incorporate art into the program is something that I have always thought is necessary. Now with actually practicing techniques in class, reading about techniques of art integration as well as discussing the subject, I am now becoming more aware of the many possibilities that exist with the integration of art into the daily classroom schedule. I am hoping that the remainder of this course will be able to teach me more of the arts integraion process and give me plenty of ideas and resources that I will be able to use when I begin teaching. I feel that this is such an important aspect of becoming a successful educator. With the possibilities and ideas available, teachers should be using the arts with all their curriculum. If students were taught with this in mind, we would be having much more motivated and interested students.